Friday, January 11, 2013

Craft Faire re-visited

Ok, ok, so I officially stink at keeping up with this blog that I was SO excited to start. Working full time and being a full time mommy has kept me away. For those Super Moms out there that do it all, you have a one up on me and I have no qualm admitting it.

I have been so distracted by life, in fact, that I am currently able to catch up because I've been home with the flu for the past two days. Ok, my tiny violin is going back in the closet.

I came back to post photos from the craft fair, they are from my phone camera, so bear with me. The treck down the hall and into the office closet for my good camera seems like too much for this 103.6 feverish girl (feel my achy bones).

The craft fair was a success, all of the tables for the brunch sold out which meant us crafters had to move to a different room and had a total of 2 hours selling time, one before the brunch and one after.  My unofficial end count was nearly $200, all proceeds went to the church. Not bad, I'd say for a first timer! But the best part was that it was super fun and I got to hang out with old friends and meet new friends, not to mention I was able to donate my time and efforts to our church. :)

Friday, November 30, 2012

Arcade Church Women's Ministry Craft Fair

Hello all!

So about three weeks ago I decided to sign up to host a booth at the Women's Ministry Craft Fair at my church.  I've been waiting to write in my blog until I had something fun or creative happening in my life to share. (Or maybe I've just been super lazy/busy/whatever you wanna call it, anyhow...) Well the time has come! I am writing. :)

It has been so much fun deciding what to make for the fair. I've never done this before so it is a total learning experience for me.

I had zero inventory, as I said, I don't do this... ever. So, a couple of weeks ago I had nada.  Well, I've worked my derriere off and so far I've made some super cute hair clips, or critter clips as I call them (you'll see why in the photos); I've also made some dishtowel aprons, chalkboards out of recycled materials, little bow-ties for boys (only 2 but hey it's something for the little dudes!), and a ton of cowls, or as I prefer to call them snoods!

The snoods were the most time consuming, I guess that's to be expected since they are hand knit.

I've had so much fun. I really hope that at least a few of my things will sell. If not, no problem, I made sure to make things I love so I can keep them if they don't! Ha! :) But the idea is after all to raise some money for the church, as absolutely 100% of the sales are donated to the Women's Ministry.

Anyhow, I'll report back later with photos of my stash and my set up. Tomorrow is the big day!

Mrs. Magaña signing out, laterz!